I understand about the 110 line, and will have to consider that. Maybe if the line is replaced I can run it along the house side instead of under the eaves.
The toasted cable was a round cable, like this one ( http://www.homedepot.com/p/Q-S.....c=Shopping|THD|G|0|G-BASE-PLA-D27E-SecuritySurveillance|&gclid=CIr6svCNl80CFQuPaQodLfUDyw&gclsrc=aw.ds ), but pretty sure it is 60 ft, not 100 like this one.
The power supplies are the "wall wart" type. What should be the voltage of these two power supplies with three leads plugged in, checking voltage on the fourth? Is there anything I can add that might reduce the risk of wire overheating?