MKRK - For a quick 'workaround' disable the maintenance reboot feature - this is in Main menu> System (Settings row) - locate 'Auto Maintain' on the left hand menu. Is this a new NVR, or is it an older NVR that this never happened on before?
If it's an older NVR, something may be starting to fail or consume more power. (Hard drives in particular can do this)
If it's a new NVR, then we need to check firmware version to be sure it's up to date. We have seen a couple of other models have that same issue and we were able to remedy with a firmware update. To check your version - go to Main menu> System (Info row) - locate 'Version' on the left hand menu. You'll see System version and a build date. let us know what you find there.
Ted on Auto reboot failure